Bike Jamboree

#stage14 In Czułmana,

#stage14 In Czułmana, I wanted to visit Kole, who invited me to spend the night during the winter Expedition. The same day, we came, Kola flew to Moscow. His wife invited us to tea. Then Wicia came in with his accordion! He sang Russian and Polish songs until late at night – says Krzysztof Suchowierski, leader of the stage.

Anna German zabrzmiała na trasie Bike Jamboree

Opis jest zbędny.Ze specjalną dedykacja dla naszych sponsorów. KROSS Marabut Crosso Primus Equipment CST Poland PAJAK.#BikeJamboree…… Gra muzyka jedziemy dalej….

Opublikowany przez Bike Jamboree 23 maja 2018

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